Membership Benefits

As a 501 (c) (6) non-profit, your tax deductible membership fee of $25 helps to fund CTIN’s ongoing mission to provide high quality information in the areas of cyber security, digital investigations, and electronic discovery for both private and public sector security and investigative personnel. Your support is a very important part of what makes CTIN possible!

There are many benefits to becoming a CTIN member to include:

  • Access to the members-only section of the CTIN web site. Our newly redesigned web site includes a forum to connect with over 500+ and counting like-minded forensics professionals to ask questions and participate in discussions. The web site also includes a resource section that includes information that we can release from our previous training sessions and conferences.
  • Inclusion on our members only email list. Don’t miss out on training sessions or conference information because you didn’t know or found out too late… especially when space is limited.
  • Support and participate in CTIN training sessions that are usually free to members.
  • CTIN membership enables you to vote and actively participate on the direction of CTIN. This includes choosing the volunteer CTIN board members or the ability to become one yourself. The CTIN board of directors and CTIN membership helps to determine CTIN training sessions, conference session tracks and speakers, conference locations and dates, and all the other choices that directly impact how well CTIN provides information you will find valuable. Having a voice in the process helps to make sure CTIN is doing the best job possible to provide the information that you will find most valuable.

Please consider the benefits of becoming a CTIN member and join our supportive community of professionals.